Tecido Pavimento Antiderrapante em PVC

Tecido Pavimento Antiderrapante em PVC

Descubra os benefícios do pavimento antiderrapante em PVC e como este pode aumentar a segurança e estabilidade nas suas diversas aplicações. Saiba mais aqui na Texland.

Onde Comprar os Melhores Tecidos para Teto Automóvel? - Texland Onde Comprar os Melhores Tecidos para Teto Automóvel

Where to buy the best fabrics for automotive ceiling?

Where to buy the best fabrics for automotive ceiling? - Texland Where to buy the best fabrics for au...
Serapilheira ou Juta: O Tecido a Não Esquecer

Serapilheira or Jute Fabric: The fabric not to forget

Serapilheira or Jute Fabric When it comes to versatile and sustainable tissues, the serapil Jute Fabric It is one of the stars except forgotten. Wi...
Como fazer aproveitamento de tecidos. Cobertas e mantas de patchwork. Texland. Blog

Tissue use - what to do?

In this short article you will find out how to avoid the textile waste Using the Patchwork technique. Enjoy the leftover fabric remains After finishing your project is possible with Texland!
Como limpar e cuidar dos tecidos do seu sofá para que durem mais tempo. Texland

This is how it maintains the quality of the tissues, especially the couch!

Good maintenance of any type of fabric is the secret to longevity! No one buys a sofa thinking it's a one -year investment or a piece of clothing ...
Estes são os tecidos de linho a usar neste Verão!

These are the linen fabrics to use this summer!

Good time to arrive?  THE linen It is a versatile fabric and highly sought by customers in many parts of the world thanks to their advantages. Thi...
Comprar malha 3D ou Air mesh | Texland

Have you worked with 3D mesh? Here's the advantages ...

Características dos Tecidos
Have you worked with the 3D mesh fabric? These are some of its advantages THE 3D mesh It is one of those often forgotten fabrics, but which in tur...
5 tecidos para forrar os seus sofás - Texland

5 Tissues to line your sofa

Tecidos para Forrar e Estofar
Do you have questions about what type of fabric you should choose to line your couch? These are the 5 ideal fabrics: Sofas are one of the most impo...
Tecido ideal para toalhas de mesa e guardanapos - Texland

And the best tablecloth fabrics are ...

Características dos Tecidos
What are the best fabrics for making table and napkins towels? Tablecloths and napkins are essential kitchen and dining room items. Choosing the id...
Tecidos para fatos de carnaval e marchas populares. Cetim e tule. Tecidos para marchas populares. Blog. Texland

Satin, the fabric that gives life to its carnival

THE Carnival It is one of the most anticipated parties of the year and it is the perfect time to wings to the imagination and have fun. And to make...
Texland - 9 aspetos a ter em conta quando escolhe tecidos - Texland

9 aspects to take into account when choosing a fabric

Características dos Tecidos
For Texland these are the 9 aspects you should consider when you choose a fabric:
      1. Quality
      2. Composition
      3. Weight/ Gramagem
      4. Texture
      5. Elasticity
      6. Price
      7. Maintenance
      8. Sustainability
      9. Use

Choosing the best fabrics for your project is easier with Texland.

Napa Sintética várias cores _ blog _ texland

Synthetic napa: the versatile fabric that seeks

Tecidos para Forrar e Estofar

Advantages of Napa? Here they are:

  • More economical alternative compared to materials such as the skin;
  • Highly versatile;
  • Impermeable and easy to maintain;
  • Napa use does not involve animal suffering;

In Textand we make Napa available in various colors so that it can bring to life its various projects, Click here To see the available colors.